Call me a pessimist, but I am not entirely sure the US will be in the finals... To ensure that I get the most emotional satisfaction, I thought I'd choose a "default" team to root for from the beginning to increase my chances of being able to celebrate come July 11.
Agree? Am I already dis-loyal or is this realistic?
Who would you pick?
2 Responses
I'm thinking Argentina... I like their scarf and want an excuse to buy it.... plus their expats are pretty awesome :)
Dear Coué, thanks for your sympathy. I'm done using it and will mail it back to you promptly. :)
This is a great question. I'm rooting for Argentina by default , but then I just want to see honest to good games and teams that play their hearts out. I'm a fan of River Plate first, then Argentina and then Soccer.
I don't think I'll pick a 'default' team until the quarter finals. I usually want whoever beats us to win the whole thing. My thinking behind this is that at least we lost to the best team out there.
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