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Have you recovered from that heart attack inducing, hell of a game?? I am still riding high and, as such, may ramble a bit on here. But stay with me...I'm a die-hard fan!! What else do you expect??
Another goal taken away?! Really?! Are you kidding me?! Nope...not kidding you. Don't let it get to you. The Yanks sure didn't!
I really can't put into words how amazing they are to me. To be under that much stress, that much turmoil, that much frustration, and all for themselves (let's be honest...America is only just NOW taking notice)...that's the absolute definition of Heart.
I don't care how you feel about Landon Donovan. Love him or hate him, he is a big part of the USA Men's National TEAM. The TEAM! Not the Landon Donovans...the TEAM. They win as a TEAM, lose as a TEAM, and tie as a TEAM. THEY know that and would never, ever place blame on a player.
That about that cannon of a throw from Howard?! How amazing was that?! To make a save (not an easy one) and make such a quick transition and an absolutely accurate throw...he is world class. Bottom line, world class. He is making this tournament his. He is taking every opportunity. There really is nothing we can ask for that he hasn't already done.
The defense had a few lapses...but held strong when necessary. Mr. Cherundolo had one hell of a game. He was as solid as I've ever seen him be. Bocanegra was great. Even the generally porous Bornstein stepped up huge.
The midfield was great. All the way across...great.
Up top, I was ecstatic to see HERCULEZ get the start, and was surprised as hell when he was pulled at the half. I thought he gave enough pace and creativity to open up Altidore and Dempsey, creating great chances and playing amazing balls across. However...Buddle did alright when he was introduced.
I was a little surprised by Altidore. He played big, at times...but missed the frame entireley too many times. He could have scored at least 3 goals to put it away early. BUT...he played the perfect ball across that ultimately led to the game winner.
If you don't understand why I am so amped up, STILL...just take a look at the video found below. It gives me goosebumps on top of goosebumps.
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